Danuta Sandomierska
Born in a distant country. For a lifetime, now, a Milanese citizen. His profession has nothing to do with passion. The passion is for art and especially for painting. He develops his interest by enrolling in the drawing and painting course at the “Federico Faruffini” art school and attending painting lessons under the guidance of master Giampietro Maggi. She defines herself as a woman who paints. Use colors and not words to tell the stories. At the center of his paintings is the person told by means of color, forming the rhythm and shaping the light.
"Danuta's colors, among which she prefers the primaries, yellow, red and blue, contribute the essential way to express her thought through the more or less evident rhythms. In addition to color, the other element of the language that our artist prefers it is the light that in her canvases is not only form, but becomes movement, evolution, rhythm ”Concetta Verratti wrote of her.
"Entering the world of Danuta is a bit like sitting in the cozy living room of a discreet, kind and accommodating hostess" Roberto Franzini.
LA NUVOLA50 x 70 cm olio su tela | RAIN50 x 70 cm olio su tela opera donata per la raccolta fondi in favore della protezione civile | L'AUTUNNO PERFETTO30 x 40 cm olio su tela |
HO FATTO LO SHOPPING50 x 70 cm olio su tela | VITTORIA INFUOCATA70 x 50 cm olio su tela cartone | IL RITORNO DELLA PRIMAVERA70 x 50 cm olio su tela |
IL TRASLOCO80 x 60 cm olio su tela | DOVE INIZIA L'ARCOBALENO70 x 50 cm olio su tela | DOVE VADO50 x 70 cm olio su tela proprietà privata |
ARIA DI FESTA60 x 120 cm olio su tela dittico | COMFORT FRUIT30 x 30 cm olio su tela | ETERNA BELLEZZA70 x 50 cm olio su tela |